Monday, September 27, 2010


Sometimes it's hard to find the right words. There are so many things I want to say. But I don't know how to say it. I want this blog to be so much more. But I can never find the right words. So to help, I'm gonna have some music suggestions.

Before I get to that though, I have a video I want to share. It's about a girl. she starts out with faith in Jesus. But she gets distracted. By friends, boys, money, drugs, etc. She get depressed and wants to kill herself. But Jesus came and saves her from all of it. I think this song is great for someone who was lost their faith.

Here is the link. Lifehouse's "Everything" skit.

My favorite band is Skillet. Not this kindThis kind. They are a Christian band. But not the kind who just do slow, boring, gospel music. I like some/most of the songs we sing in church, but it's not really the kind of music most people listen to. Skillet is is a rock/metal/alternate band. They make Christian music fun to listen to. I love them. <3

Awake and Alive is about how people try to tear us away from God, but He's there to save us. I have two videos for this one. A fan-made one, and the official video.
Hero--This song is a little repetitive, but it's about how we all need a hero (God). And it's got a pretty epic video.
Monster--I love the end, with the voice.
Rebirthing is about the whole principle of Christianity. We are all kinda dead inside, but through Christ, we are reborn.
Whispers in the Dark is saying that God will always be there. Even if we don't know it. It reminds me of that poem about footsteps.
Say Goodbye--This song was a comfort to me awhile ago. I went on a missionary trip and I made a bunch of friends. I missed them all, so I made a video using this song and pictures from the trip. This one is kinda slow, but I still like it.
Invincible is about how weak we are as humans, but with God helping us, we can do anything.
Comatose is about waking up to God.
Better Than Drugs is saying that Jesus is better than drugs.
The Last Night is about someone who is suicidal, but God comes and it's the last night she'll spend alone.
Savior is about needing a savior.
Live Free or Let me Die is about how we want to keep your faith, and nothing can take it away.

What are your favorite songs by Skillet? What's your favorite Christian band?

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